Person: I make a rope, and hang my head on it, so I die. Host: The rope snaps, you failed to kill yourself.
Person: I aim a gun at my head and fire! Host: The gun jams.
Person: I throw a grenade at the ground and wait for it to explode. Host: You wait, wait, wait, but it doesn't explode, you then realize you forgot to cook the Fail!
Victory Conditions -Kill yourself with an idea that cannot be reflected like in the examples. -The first guy who will kill himself is the new host of the game.
Im back again! @amorboy I could technically say that God and the devil fall under the category of fantasy and ignore you entirely. I think I will. The police decide to taze you instead, because they can do that for as long as they want and as many times as they want and have a good laugh without killing you and looking bad. They keep you alive because they want you to reveal stuff about the terrorists. Only one WW2 soldier was still alive nearing the end of the battle. All of the other soldiers shot and killed all but one of the dinosaurs before dying. As the last dinosaur moved in, the soldier pulled the pin on his Incendiary Grenade, killing them both.
i put poison, that kills instantly, into some reeses pieces, i than call a local prison and ask for some recently released serial killers, i then call those serial killers to come kill me, then i put many, very deadly bombs below my house, all attached to one wire, i light the wire and theneat all the reeses pieces.
@Timmy33 Your parents have been secretly feeding you that type of poison in small amounts all your life so you would build up an immunity to it. The prisoners are all under house arrest and cannot leave their homes: if they do, the police arrive in under 30 seconds because they are monitored. Thanks for putting them all to one wire, which had some corrosion, causing the connection to fail. You survive.
@weatherdog Right before the spike hits you, a 1961 Ferarri GT California runs into the spike (because the driver was very drunk) and knocks it away from your head. You survive
I was forced to listen to Justin Bieber while playing card games on motorcycles and spun out of control even though the vehicle was completely stopped.
justin bieber turned into an demon and saved your life to make you listen to him more.
I kill myself by placing myself in one of those chambers where spiked walls come on each side until they impale me, and the program that runs the spiked walls is completely perfect so there's no way out.
i head over to the machines control and blow them up. then i head over to an abandoned lumbermill and repeatedly walk into a sawblade. dont forget that the entire lumbermill was left going and seems to have quite a lot of power.