Person: I make a rope, and hang my head on it, so I die. Host: The rope snaps, you failed to kill yourself.
Person: I aim a gun at my head and fire! Host: The gun jams.
Person: I throw a grenade at the ground and wait for it to explode. Host: You wait, wait, wait, but it doesn't explode, you then realize you forgot to cook the Fail!
Victory Conditions -Kill yourself with an idea that cannot be reflected like in the examples. -The first guy who will kill himself is the new host of the game.
The knife falls off your hands as you try to stab yourself.
I jump in to a pool of paranas.
As you jump into the pool, the piranhas fight themselves to eat you...the fight ended tragic. Everyone one of them fought for u, and every one of them died.
i stab chuck norris with a muramasa blade.
Chuck Norris kills everyone who attacks him, but this time, it's only a scratch and he forgives you. A muramasa blade is like stabbing him with a spoon...
i force notch to cancel minecraft updates
So what? Only retarted people die from that...
I jump of a block of flats which has 50 Floors, I jump of the roof and land on a peice of glass which hits, me in the head.
50 floors of falling gives some people time to place a mattress on the glass. As you land, the glass breaks, but you fall on the Mattress and have a few scratches.
I go to space and take of my space suit and jump out
When you were going to space, the spaceship clutched and didn't flew away to space.
I run into a tornado.
Just as you run into the tornado, a sun comes out and "saves" the day, banishing the tornado.
I go into space and jump out of the rocket without my suit on
I already posted about your suicide in your previous post, find it somewhere above. Or if you can't find can just know that you failed to suicide..
i stand right next to shadow the hedgehog as he does chaos blast.
Okay, no fantasy please!
I pay a hitman to do kill me and I tell him all of the information he needs where I live: etc
Someone else paid another hitman to kill the hitman that you paid.
I take a pain pill and jump into a tank of sharks with bloody dead fish tied to me and the sharks havent been fed in days. This is in a room where all the doors are locked and not even dynamite can penetrate the walls. There are no windows. There is no one else in the house. I am alone.
i go skydiving but "forget" to pull the parachute chord
The Pilot of the Plane jumps and catches you, then he open his parachute and you are saved, the plane explodes when it crashes few miles away.
fantasy is my thing. fine, i'll go with science fiction and jump into a laser beam to burn myself to death.
The Scientists turn off the Laser Beam just as you are about to jump at it.
I go on a plane and crash into a mountain filled with nukes, and I am tied to the chair.
Hijackers kidnap the whole plane and then turn the plane around so it doesn't crash at the nuke mountain, but it crashes somewhere else, you survive...
I take a pain pill and jump into a tank of sharks with bloody dead fish tied to me and the sharks havent been fed in days. This is in a room where all the doors are locked and not even dynamite can penetrate the walls. There are no windows. There is no one else in the house. I am alone.
They haven't been fed for days, they died from the hunger.
I swallow a mento and wash it down with diet coke.
Your body and your organs are tough, they can whitstand the combo and you are alive.
I run into a bulldozer, no matter what happens.
Easy..the bulldozer driver stops, he doesn't want to kill you.
I go into the motor pool and wait for the tanks to arrive to do shooting practice and I camouflage myself as a target.
The Instructors double-check the targets and they find you, and they get you out of the place.
I rob a store, take a hostage as a human shield and wait for the police to shoot me while not hurting the hostage.
A cop sneaks from behind and grabs you, you fail to shoot anything, so you are taken to jail, but you are still alive...which is not the point in this game.
I walk into a Nuke test Site
So what? I once walked there too...
I get myself trapped in a icy lake .
You are then found by 3 fishermen, they get you, they bring you in America so scientists there can unfreeze you, they do it successfully and you are alive...
I jump in front of a car on the highway going 80 mph
You are slammed, the car was short in height, so it only injured your legs, you can't walk anymore...but you are alive...
i eat a rabid dog
IT starts eating YOU FIRST, but the neighbor dashes out of his house and kills the ugly dog.