santi and killersup use specail duck tape and duck tape chuck norris to a chair.we make him watch that god awful video for 12 days straight. no physical damage .the mind damage though ......
killersup gets a little ticked that blk used a part of his idea.killersup goes on total rampage.after destorying 3 cities a town and a hamster the world desides to give killersup a offering so he does not destroy everything else.
side 2 santi sitsinside of his cell 6 miles under the earth .meditating .waiting.he has been those 6 miles under for 100 years.he has once tried to take over the planet and become king of all.unfortunelty the world had seen this coming and after 12 years santi was paralyed for 7 months.they realized there was no way to kill santi so they droped the 6 miles under ground.he had seen the teeor he had brought and desided never to try to take over thw world again.but one day after his meditation he sensed a presence.a human was there with him .the human told him that the only way to get out of that cell ever again was if he helped a certain somone with a anger problem he had.santi execpted.
side 2 the human brought santi to the first sunlight he had seen in a hundred years.the moment santi had stepped out of the building he was greeted by a men the human race knew as killersup.
they were given the mission of destroying the most known person on the planet.chuck norris.
as they battled the weather,creatures,and supply worries they soon made there way to the place called fake hero island with a mountain in the middle.
as the battle grew closer and closer the brave souls became more and more anxious .with sledgehammers in hand they advanced to the top of the mountain.when the pair of heros reached the top of this great mountain.they found chuck norris staring them down from his throne.
they 3 of them had a silent battle of words before finnaly chuck norris risde from his throne.with the battle cries of elaphants the two warrior ran to meet the legendary icon with the blows of thier great hammers.athough the first blow of the hammer from killersup broke both the hammer and chuck norris's left shoulder santi's blow completely tore off the lower forarm of chuck norris.with both hammers shattered the young men battled with their fist .as the battle grew on chuck norris became weaker and weaker untill finnally he droped.not one ounce of life left in his misshapen body.the heros draged the body of chuck norris back to the city where their epic quest first started.the 2 of them enjoyed a couple of sodas AND [b]2 sanwichs[b].
santi and killersup use specail duck tape and duck tape chuck norris to a chair.we make him watch that god awful video for 12 days straight. no physical damage .the mind damage though ......
I tie him to a chair with Santi duct tape and force him to listen to Justin Bieber for 3 months with no breaks, he has even more brain damage.
For the next 2 turns, Chuck is more vulnerable to damage.
Flag side 1 killersup gets a little ticked that blk used a part of his idea.killersup goes on total rampage.after destorying 3 cities a town and a hamster the world desides to give killersup a offering so he does not destroy everything else. side 2 santi sitsinside of his cell 6 miles under the earth .meditating .waiting.he has been those 6 miles under for 100 years.he has once tried to take over the planet and become king of all.unfortunelty the world had seen this coming and after 12 years santi was paralyed for 7 months.they realized there was no way to kill santi so they droped the 6 miles under ground.he had seen the teeor he had brought and desided never to try to take over thw world again.but one day after his meditation he sensed a presence.a human was there with him .the human told him that the only way to get out of that cell ever again was if he helped a certain somone with a anger problem he had.santi execpted. side 2 the human brought santi to the first sunlight he had seen in a hundred years.the moment santi had stepped out of the building he was greeted by a men the human race knew as killersup. they were given the mission of destroying the most known person on the planet.chuck norris. as they battled the weather,creatures,and supply worries they soon made there way to the place called fake hero island with a mountain in the middle. as the battle grew closer and closer the brave souls became more and more anxious .with sledgehammers in hand they advanced to the top of the mountain.when the pair of heros reached the top of this great mountain.they found chuck norris staring them down from his throne. they 3 of them had a silent battle of words before finnaly chuck norris risde from his throne.with the battle cries of elaphants the two warrior ran to meet the legendary icon with the blows of thier great hammers.athough the first blow of the hammer from killersup broke both the hammer and chuck norris's left shoulder santi's blow completely tore off the lower forarm of chuck norris.with both hammers shattered the young men battled with their fist .as the battle grew on chuck norris became weaker and weaker untill finnally he droped.not one ounce of life left in his misshapen body.the heros draged the body of chuck norris back to the city where their epic quest first started.the 2 of them enjoyed a couple of sodas AND 2 sanwichs.
*Stands akwardly for a second, then starts slowly clapping* You have made my life complete, 2 sandiwches. Thank you. Now, I want to ask you a question, depending on your answer the damage caused will either: stay the same, be multiplied by 2, be cut in half. -?
Update this.
Oh, no. No, I won't update this. *rolls eyes*
Chuck Norris: Something brutally lower than last time.
I still have some of your DNA from the Santi sword that I didn't put in(doing that would be dangerous) and create the Santi gun and ask Santi to shoot Chuck Norris.
santi and killersup sneak up into chuck norris's porch and they dump blk's body ring the doorbell and run. it does not hurt chuck that bad but it is relly funny and boost moral
*Breathing Heavily* Man, that was great. Hey, we gotta do that again.
I still have some of your DNA from the Santi sword that I didn't put in(doing that would be dangerous) and create the Santi gun and ask Santi to shoot Chuck Norris.
Thanks, sorry I forgot about it. Kind of hectic shedule I'm having here. Anyway, depending on what gun you choose, your attack will miss, have 1/2 the damage, or the damage will be multiplied by 2.