ForumsForum GamesDestroy Chuck Norris

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1,900 posts

This is like some other forum games, except you are trying to kill Chuck Norris.

Warning: This is impossible. Unless, somone figures out his one weakness.

So let's start,
Chuck Norris:100hp

  • 441 Replies
137 posts

I give Honorable Mister Santi_ a lazer cannon and ask His Greatness to kill Chuck Norris.

1,900 posts

I give Honorable Mister Santi_ a lazer cannon and ask His Greatness to kill Chuck Norris.

And how would thou whoith callith meith the Honorable Mister Santi_ get the lazer cannonith? Anyway, guys, just call me Santi.

Chuck Norris: Are you too freakin lazy to just scroll up and look? JK, or am I...

2,739 posts

killersup says godbye to whatever is left of his family (a teddy bear, a dr.peper, and a picture of his mother) everything else was burnt to the ground.he walks to the nearest village about 10 miles off to the northester part of the town supply market he mentions the legendary fuel of the santi .all of the marketiers suddenly stop and walk away from killersup.after finnaly getting tired of people walking away from him he goes to the library to read up on the fuel of the santi.he reads that he must conqueir the loin at hells gate, and climb the moutain of great steepness .it is going to be a long day.....

killersup wonders how he can go to hell without dying. finally he comes up with the greatest idea of all humanity .he yells"HEY DEATH YOU SUCK!!!" faster than the speed of a child going for candy appears death himself.
"what great foolsiness you have done young adventurer"
killersuo stands there and sizes up death from head to toe
"your kinda small to be death don't ya think?"killersup smiled as he said.death boomed across the heavens "I SHALL SEND YOU TO THE WORST PUNISHMENT OF THEM ALL "and so he did .to take care of death's cat.

of course having been through millions of others before the lion of hell expected yet another easy meal. as the over sized cat waited for its next meal he grew tired and feel esleap thinking that the next soul would just sit there and trembel in fear like the rest.unfortunetly for the fat cat he had no idea that the great adventurer killersup was there waiting the whole time the cat was esleap waitng for the kill to be one the cat would never forget.killersup got bored of waiting for the lion of hell though and desided to just starngle him on the spot.the cat gave a fight like a bull but eventually subscumed to the force of killersup .as killersup walked out the doors of hell he muttered but too words"to easy " was all that came from this young hero's mouth.

the young adventurer had a no idea which mountain the the book in the library was talking about and immedetly headed for a gaint mass of rock that only a few in hystory have gotten to evern see the halfway mark to athough he had no idea where it was.this gaint rock was in a town far off the maps.killersup grew weary and tired after his long walk back to the village where his adventure had first started.once again he tried the town market for ideas on where to head to find this great mountain but to still no victory of information he wondered down the long roads of the village .on his way past a street corner he heard his name being called.he found a old ragged man calling his name and soon found out that this man knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who had a unncle that knew a guy that had traveled to the top of the graet mountain.the ragged man sayed that if killersup went south for about 100 miles he would find the mountain killersup so need to find.......

when the exausted young man found himself at around the diretion that the ragged man had told him about he could finnaly see this huge figure of rock and death.better late than never the warrior sayed as he began his climb up the great mountain.after a hour of limbing he found a small ledge to rest at.when the adrenaline finnally wore off on killersup he could see that the rocks had severly cut his hands and left blood over his hands.he quickly ripped off the sleeves off of his shirt and tied makeshift bandages to keep him hands from about the haf way point on this young fellows adventure he startes to notice the air getting colder and snow on ledges."The fuel of santimust be close i can feel the air tempature changing due tio the extreme amount of awesomness........with supplies down and extremly exasted killersup finnaly makes it to the top of the mountain claimes the fuel of santi and calls the name of the texas ranger to the sky in a fit of rage."it is time .this is the time " killersup manedged to whisper through his torn body.

with the santi cannon ready for battle and set to full auto killersup spends the next week preparing for the greatest *** kicking in the hystory of the world.

with the time right and all patched up killersup yells to the sky "I KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN WATCHING ME NOW GET DOWN HERE" and with that chuck norris appears.chuck norris has never been so beaten so badely in his overrated life .just when chuck norris thought the battle was over killersup runs out of fuel for the santi cannon . this was now the the time the the weakend chuck norris goes hand to hand woth killersup .after a long hard fought battle .chuck norris is left standing .........barely with killersup on the ground waiting for the finishing a event of pure awesomeness santi himself appears and finishes chuck norris with one last blow to the jaw.

killersup survives and after a few weeks is good as new.santi and killersup become best friends and and the day with a couple of sodas and a sandwich.

709 posts

Chuck Norris: Are you too freakin lazy to just scroll up and look? JK, or am I...

I take that offensive...

No one can kill chuck norris... he doesnt win... he JUST ALLOWS YOU TO LOSE... but if i wanted to destroy him i would.. FIRE MAH LAZOR!!!

0 o
2,739 posts

killersup spent how long writing a story about finding ths santi cannon and the the santi fuel and just think you can use the same idea???? killersup is soooooo frustrated

1,900 posts

I take that offensive...
No one can kill chuck norris... he doesnt win... he JUST ALLOWS YOU TO LOSE... but if i wanted to destroy him i would.. FIRE MAH LAZOR!!!
0 o

1. You take offense to What? I was just making a joke.
2. You fire a zero, a lowercase o, a forward slash, 2 backward slashes, a line, and 33 dashes at Chuck?
3. Dude, you say that Chuck lets me win one more time, I'll slam you with the ban hammer. Then the Santi Hammer. Kudos again to who thought of that.

killersup says godbye to whatever is left of his family (a teddy bear, a dr.peper, and a picture of his mother) everything else was burnt to the ground.he walks to the nearest village about 10 miles off to the northester part of the town supply market he mentions the legendary fuel of the santi .all of the marketiers suddenly stop and walk away from killersup.after finnaly getting tired of people walking away from him he goes to the library to read up on the fuel of the santi.he reads that he must conqueir the loin at hells gate, and climb the moutain of great steepness .it is going to be a long day.....
killersup wonders how he can go to hell without dying. finally he comes up with the greatest idea of all humanity .he yells"HEY DEATH YOU SUCK!!!" faster than the speed of a child going for candy appears death himself.
"what great foolsiness you have done young adventurer"
killersuo stands there and sizes up death from head to toe
"your kinda small to be death don't ya think?"killersup smiled as he said.death boomed across the heavens "I SHALL SEND YOU TO THE WORST PUNISHMENT OF THEM ALL "and so he did .to take care of death's cat.
of course having been through millions of others before the lion of hell expected yet another easy meal. as the over sized cat waited for its next meal he grew tired and feel esleap thinking that the next soul would just sit there and trembel in fear like the rest.unfortunetly for the fat cat he had no idea that the great adventurer killersup was there waiting the whole time the cat was esleap waitng for the kill to be one the cat would never forget.killersup got bored of waiting for the lion of hell though and desided to just starngle him on the spot.the cat gave a fight like a bull but eventually subscumed to the force of killersup .as killersup walked out the doors of hell he muttered but too words"to easy " was all that came from this young hero's mouth.
the young adventurer had a no idea which mountain the the book in the library was talking about and immedetly headed for a gaint mass of rock that only a few in hystory have gotten to evern see the halfway mark to athough he had no idea where it was.this gaint rock was in a town far off the maps.killersup grew weary and tired after his long walk back to the village where his adventure had first started.once again he tried the town market for ideas on where to head to find this great mountain but to still no victory of information he wondered down the long roads of the village .on his way past a street corner he heard his name being called.he found a old ragged man calling his name and soon found out that this man knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who had a unncle that knew a guy that had traveled to the top of the graet mountain.the ragged man sayed that if killersup went south for about 100 miles he would find the mountain killersup so need to find.......
when the exausted young man found himself at around the diretion that the ragged man had told him about he could finnaly see this huge figure of rock and death.better late than never the warrior sayed as he began his climb up the great mountain.after a hour of limbing he found a small ledge to rest at.when the adrenaline finnally wore off on killersup he could see that the rocks had severly cut his hands and left blood over his hands.he quickly ripped off the sleeves off of his shirt and tied makeshift bandages to keep him hands from about the haf way point on this young fellows adventure he startes to notice the air getting colder and snow on ledges."The fuel of santimust be close i can feel the air tempature changing due tio the extreme amount of awesomness........with supplies down and extremly exasted killersup finnaly makes it to the top of the mountain claimes the fuel of santi and calls the name of the texas ranger to the sky in a fit of rage."it is time .this is the time " killersup manedged to whisper through his torn body.
with the santi cannon ready for battle and set to full auto killersup spends the next week preparing for the greatest *** kicking in the hystory of the world.
with the time right and all patched up killersup yells to the sky "I KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN WATCHING ME NOW GET DOWN HERE" and with that chuck norris appears.chuck norris has never been so beaten so badely in his overrated life .just when chuck norris thought the battle was over killersup runs out of fuel for the santi cannon . this was now the the time the the weakend chuck norris goes hand to hand woth killersup .after a long hard fought battle .chuck norris is left standing .........barely with killersup on the ground waiting for the finishing a event of pure awesomeness santi himself appears and finishes chuck norris with one last blow to the jaw.
killersup survives and after a few weeks is good as new.santi and killersup become best friends and and the day with a couple of sodas and a sandwich.

Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. How do you want me to respond to that? I guess that works. Except you keep some eternal physical and MENTAL scars. Anyway, can you bring along 2 sandwiches? It would be kind of hard to share one. Unless you cut it. You know, forget it, I'll just bring my own. Well, you don't kill Chuck, just mortally wound him. Nothing much. Anyway
Because that was just as creative as me. And THAT is hard to do.

Chuck Norris: 4,390

137 posts

I mix the Ban hammer with the Santi hammer I make the Awesome "Santi Ban hammer" and give it to Santi.

1,900 posts

I mix the Ban hammer with the Santi hammer I make the Awesome "Santi Ban hammer" and give it to Santi.

Well, the Santi hammer was created by taking the ban hammer, and my DNA, and mixing them together. So what do you want to accomplish by doing that?

137 posts


I ask Santi to give some little bit of his dna to make the Santi Sword(SS)

1,900 posts

I ask Santi to give some little bit of his dna to make the Santi Sword(SS)

Fine. You make the Santi sword. hurray

I ask you to give me some of your powers and I hurl a giant anchor at him.

Man, you're lucky we're friends, or I would have let you die. If I give you any amount of my power, the balance would have been broken, and essentially, this entire universe would turn into a black hole, then implode in on itself, and return to nothing. You try to pick up the anchor, but succeed in waisting 3 hours of your day.

1,900 posts

I disguise myself as a doctor to do a blood test on you and put it on an arrow and launch it at chuck Norris. (I don't want to take your DNA the... other way)

Why do I need to see a doctor, right now, all I have is an allergy attack, so other than a ton of sneezing, a runny/stuffed nose, and a little couphing, I'm fine.

1,900 posts

Blood Test.

Had one last week.

1,900 posts

You need them weekly.

Stop arguing, or I will temporarily disable you.

1,900 posts

I attack Chuck with My new camera (Go to 1:10)

I know, I saw that video months ago. That's old news. Anyway, it might have hit Chuck if you gave the "camera" to me. but whatever.

1,900 posts

I give my new camera to you so you can "Take a picture"

He's already seen what the camera looks like, and he runs away before I can do anything.

Chuck Norris: 4,390

Showing 241-255 of 441