I am Chuck Norris from dimension 9, I came here using my Chuck Norris powers, and I fight along The Chuck norris you are all fighting agains right now, even if he doesn't want me to.
I am Chuck Norris from dimension 9, I came here using my Chuck Norris powers, and I fight along The Chuck norris you are all fighting agains right now, even if he doesn't want me to.
killersup smacks you upside your head and wakes youfrom your deep slumber.back to the life of being a farmer.one day however you find a glowing blue stone while plowing the fields.it points north at all times...............
Chuck Norris's health: 999,966,499 Weather: fire storms Banned/Dead: Classes: Necromancer: Dragoon: Warlock: Knight: Gaiea (people of the Earth): Dogs (demoted players):hardas12 Fleas (demoted players of dogs): Amoebas (demoted player of Fleas): Alchemist: sonicheroes95 Ninja: Trainees:
i use a cellphone to call the police, the army, the navy, the air-force and the marines to attack Chuck Norris. i hire some assasins to attack Chuck Norris too.