ForumsForum GamesSettlement of Dust [RPG]

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402 posts


This game is pretty darn complicated. Use detailed posts for better story. Also try to keep your grammar clean and use punctuation. Everyone makes typos, but when u type liek dis its frustrating. Thanks.

-----The Game-----

You live in a small settlement in the middle of a desert, in this strange setting of a universe where there live strange creatures that are part machine and part monster. You must survive with your allies, gathering resources and fortifying your home when it's light, and defending it from endless waves of creatures when night falls. You will need food, water, weapons, and whatever you can get to survive.
Firearms are rarer than melee weapons.


-This is multiplayer, and you must work together.
-No player limit decided yet, but probably no more than 10
-You have needs. The obvious ones are food, water and rest, but you will for example need to keep yourself from going insane by doing some activities and stuff.
-Turning against other players is.. well, it's a possibility you can take, but it's rarely a pleasant one.
-If your sanity goes too low, the story will be different for you than the others. For example, you might get "Bob calls you an idiot." while the player of Bob actually said you fought well. Worse than that is you partially lose control of your character, but this is only if you're really insane.
-The creatures get stronger the longer the game goes on. You will want to be prepared.
-Some items don't have weight. Bolts and ammo, for example.
-The art is all done by me

-----The Map-----

This is where you live. About 4 Square kilometers of desert, a river going trough it, with forests and mountains around it. And you live in the middle. Next to the river.
You can see a red danger-zone marked on the map around the desert, this is where the creatures are. Staying away from the danger-zones is recommended, but unfortunately the forests are pretty close to them so getting wood and other resources can be risky.
Even if you don't go near the danger-zones at all, the night will make the creatures run wild, and that's when they will attack your home, despite your actions.

The whole area around your home can be used for constructing more buildings and defenses. It's all in your use, and it's very much advisable to do something with it. For building, you will need materials like wood, metal, fences, bolts, anything you can scavenge from abandoned houses and such (not marked on the map). The forest is also a main resource gathering area.


Fighting is very much final fantasy like. You decide what you use and who do you use it on, and it does certain things. Usually damage. You can miss too, this mostly only happens with ranged weapons.
Fighting outside your home without the shelter is way more dangerous - only do it if absolutely necessary.


You are all equipped with a PIG. I mean the Portable Information Gadget. This device is like no other, all you need to do is ask about something you want more information about and you get it. Be it creatures or how long a human can hold their bladder. It's like the pokédex of tomorrow.


Some of the creatures may carry diseases. Look out for signs of infections, or you might be in for a bad trip with a case of lungburst. You don't want to get that one, believe me.


You have a limited amount of storage space, and so does your inventory. This means you have to build more storage space if you run out. (The amount of space in the storage and your inventory is shown right after their names in [ ].


There are a LOT of skills in this game. But don't let this overwhelm you, those skills get better as you use them. Basically you don't have to worry about your skills until you notice something isn't working, then you need to start practicing on that skill. It's simple, really.

-----Settlement Sheet-----

Only the host (me) posts this. I will post it at the end of every round (By round I mean a bunch of actions by players).

Health: 100%
Storage[8/15]: Lead pipe, Bolts(5), Wrench, First-Aid Kit, Baked beans(2), Bottle of Water(3)
Buildings: Wooden House (small)
Residents: Unknown

With more buildings you get more storage space and your settlement has more health.

-----Character Sheet-----

Name: First and last
Gender: Male or Female, duh
Age: 16+
Traits: (Make one good and one bad trait, these add and take points from some of your skills. Accurate, bad swimmer, anything like that.)
Description: (What you are like, how you look... just something to remember you better.)
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine (Look here often, things like "hungry" and "tired" appear here.)
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10 (How fast you run)
Swimming: 10 (How good you swim)
Strength: 10 (How much you can carry, how strong your melee is)
Accuracy: 10 (How good of a shot you are with ranged weapons)
Hunting: 10 (How good you are at tracking animals, etc)
Charisma: 10 (How much effect you have on others)
Stealth: 10 (How silent you can be, how well you hide, etc)
Construction: 10 (How well you can build stuff)
Technology: 10 (How good you can tinker with technical stuff. Robots, computers and such.)


I believe that's everything. I realize it's complicated, but we'll see how it goes. Post your character sheet first, then I will start your game. Any questions, ideas, anything, I will be glad to answer.

  • 67 Replies
402 posts

Well? I wasn't expecting to get many players, but no one? Oh well, I'll leave this for the night and maybe someone has joined by tomorrow..

1,023 posts

Name: Charlie Carswell
Gender: Male
Age: 17
D.I.Y Project Builder: Has been building and constructing D.I.Ys. More on Construction
Bulky: Is kind of big and noisy. Less on Stealth
Description: Tall, Pale, Green Eyes, Ginger Hair, Fit
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 10
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 10
Charisma: 10
Stealth: 7
Construction: 13
Technology: 10

1,676 posts

Name: Greg Bonaducci
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Traits: Leadership(Boost Charisma) & Bad Tracker(Lowered Hunting)
Description: (What you are like, how you look... just something to remember you better.)
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine (Look here often, things like "hungry" and "tired" appear here.)
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 10
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 6
Charisma: 14
Stealth: 10
Construction: 10
Technology: 10

1,676 posts

Woops, forgot description

Name: Greg Bonaducci
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Traits: Leadership(Boost Charisma) & Bad Tracker(Lowered Hunting)
Description: Greg is pretty charismatic, but he sucks at hunting animals. He mainly relies on others to find food, and he relies on his charismatic words to convince others to do all of the hunting, and do other productive things for the survivors. Greg is 6'1", somewhat fit, and knows how to party.
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine (Look here often, things like "hungry" and "tired" appear here.)
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 10
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 6
Charisma: 14
Stealth: 10
Construction: 10
Technology: 10

402 posts

Yes! Great characters, both of you! I see you also changed your skills yourself, and to be honest I was supposed to do that part.. but now that I see how you did it, I don't think I have to change a thing :]


-I will be adding stuff to this game as the game goes on (and as I remember more important factors). Every time I add something, I will inform you with this notes section.
-I've added a furniture section to the Settlement sheet. That was something I forgot. I also tweaked the storage size to 20, judging by the fact that the starting gear already took half of the space.


Name: Charlie Carswell
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Traits: D.I.Y Project Builder(+Construction) & Bulky(-Stealth)
Description: Tall, Pale, Green Eyes, Ginger Hair, Fit
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 10
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 10
Charisma: 10
Stealth: 7
Construction: 13
Technology: 10

Your eyes are blurry. You rub your eyes and shake your head a bit, then when you look again, you can see clearly. It's like you zoned out for a bit there.. But you don't think it's important so you stop thinking about it.
You look around you, you're in your house. You see a worn green couch, a small creaky table and 2 dusty wooden chairs. A cool looking tall guy has just gotten up from the floor and is wiping dust off of his shoulders while looking around. In the corner there's an open toolbox with 5 bolts, a wrench, 2 baked bean cans, and 3 water bottles in it. A lead pipe is leaning on the wall next to it, and a first-aid kit is on the floor. There are a couple of long empty shelves on the wall too.
The house has 2 doors, the one leading outside and another is an empty closet. There are 2 windows on both side of the door.
After you're done looking around, your P.I.G bleeps and says:
//"P.I.G Online. Settlement analyzed."

What do you do? First things first, maybe introduce yourself, or grab some equipment? It's your call.


Name: Greg Bonaducci
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Traits: Leadership(+Charisma) & Bad Tracker(-Hunting)
Description: Greg is pretty charismatic, but he sucks at hunting animals. He mainly relies on others to find food, and he relies on his charismatic words to convince others to do all of the hunting, and do other productive things for the survivors. Greg is 6'1", somewhat fit, and knows how to party.
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 10
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 6
Charisma: 14
Stealth: 10
Construction: 10
Technology: 10

You wake up on the floor of your house, looking at the ceiling. You don't know why you were sleeping on the floor, but you refuse to further think about it. You cough dust and get up.
In your house you see a worn green couch, a small creaky table and 2 dusty wooden chairs. A big pale guy is standing next to the cough and rubbing his eyes. In the corner there's an open toolbox with 5 bolts, a wrench, 2 baked bean cans, and 3 water bottles in it. A lead pipe is leaning on the wall next to it, and a first-aid kit is on the floor. There are a couple of long empty shelves on the wall too.
The house has 2 doors, the one leading outside and another is an empty closet. There are 2 windows on both side of the door.
After you're done looking around, your P.I.G bleeps and says:
//"P.I.G Online. Settlement analyzed."

What do you do? First things first, maybe introduce yourself, or grab some equipment? It's your call.


Health: 100%
Storage[8/20]: Lead pipe, Bolts(5), Wrench, First-Aid Kit, Baked beans(2), Bottle of Water(3)
Buildings: Wooden House (small)
Furniture[7/15]: Worn couch, Wooden table (small), Wooden chair(2), Toolbox, Shelf(2)
Residents: Charlie Carswell, Greg Bonaducci

1,023 posts

Name: Charlie Carswell
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Traits: D.I.Y Project Builder(+Construction) & Bulky(-Stealth)
Description: Tall, Pale, Green Eyes, Ginger Hair, Fit
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 10
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 10
Charisma: 10
Stealth: 7
Construction: 13
Technology: 10

First I pull the shelves and put them just in front of the windows making a nice barricade. Then I put the couch near the door so if the monster start to come we can easily barricade the door. I go at the edge of a forest and gather some materials for 6 hours. Then I dig a water way from the river/stream to a place near the house making something like a well.

3,426 posts

Name: Alucard III Dalv
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Traits: The Impaler(+Strength), Cold(-Charisma)
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 15
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 10
Charisma: 5
Stealth: 10
Construction: 10
Technology: 10

1,461 posts

Name: Michael Lee
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Traits: Hunter(+Hunting) & Bad Swimmer(-Swimming)
Description:Short, black hair, red eyes.
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 5
Strength: 10
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 15
Charisma: 10
Stealth: 10
Construction: 10
Technology: 10

402 posts


-Online interactions might not always work correctly. Speaking to someone at the same time they decide to run away, will result in you speaking to them while they ignore you and run away. The runner will still get your message, but at their next turn they will already be a long way from you.
-Some people live in different timezones, and needless to say the days shouldn't roll in such a speed that when the other player comes back he's died of old age. Should I call a limit to player actions without every player being active, or are there any suggestions on this?


Name: Charlie Carswell
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Traits: D.I.Y Project Builder(+Construction) & Bulky(-Stealth)
Description: Tall, Pale, Green Eyes, Ginger Hair, Fit
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 10
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 10
Charisma: 10
Stealth: 7
Construction: 14
Technology: 10

You head straight to the shelves and rip them off the wall, proceeding to place them as barricades on the windows. (Construction +1) You then move the couch to a position where it can easily be moved in front of the door in case of trouble.
Then you leave the house ignoring the other person, and get temporally blinded with the hot sunlight reflecting off of the massive sand dunes. When your eyes get used to the brightness, you notice 2 new people standing not far from your house. One is a short fellow with black hair, and the other is a tall, pale, white haired, frightening character with dark clothes and a cloak.
Before you leave to the forest, you need to decide which forest you go to. There's a forest near your house, but it's on the other side of the river. And the other forest is more far away, but there is no river blocking the path.

Which way do you go?

(Also, there is no need to specify how long you do things, as I will probably go through your actions in a more detailed way step by step, that you can then decide when you leave the forest. If you follow me.)


Name: Alucard III Dalv
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Traits: The Impaler(+Strength), Cold(-Charisma)
Description: Tall, pale, long white hair, dark clothes and cloak
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 15
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 10
Charisma: 5
Stealth: 10
Construction: 10
Technology: 10

Now that's a character!

You arrive at the settlement. Why you came here, you can make up your own mind about that, but what happens now is what's important. It's day time and the sun is shining very brightly, making you feel slightly irritated. Another survivor is next to you, he's short and has black hair.
While you're looking around, a big guy with ginger hair comes out from the house. He looks at you for a couple of seconds and then looks around. Looks like he's deciding something.
Seconds later, your P.I.G bleeps and starts speaking:
//"P.I.G Online. Settlement Analyzed."

What do you do?


Name: Michael Lee
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Traits: Hunter(+Hunting) & Bad Swimmer(-Swimming)
Description:Short, black hair, red eyes.
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 5
Strength: 10
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 15
Charisma: 10
Stealth: 10
Construction: 10
Technology: 10

You arrive at the settlement. Why you came here, you can make up your own mind about that, but what happens now is what's important. It's day time and the sun is shining very brightly. Another survivor is next to you, he's Tall, pale, has white hair and dark clothes with a cloak. What an unusual choice of style.
While you're looking around, a big guy with ginger hair comes out from the house. He looks at you for a couple of seconds and then looks around. Looks like he's deciding something.
Seconds later, your P.I.G bleeps and starts speaking:
//"P.I.G Online. Settlement Analyzed."

What do you do?


Health: 100%
Storage[8/20]: Lead pipe, Bolts(5), Wrench, First-Aid Kit, Baked beans(2), Bottle of Water(3)
Buildings: Wooden House (small)
Furniture[7/15]: Worn couch, Wooden table (small), Wooden chair(2), Toolbox, Barricade(2)
Residents: Charlie Carswell, Greg Bonaducci, Alucard III Dalv, Michael Lee

3,426 posts

Name: Alucard III Dalv
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Traits: The Impaler(+Strength), Cold(-Charisma)
Description: Tall, pale, long white hair, dark clothes and cloak
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 15
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 10
Charisma: 5
Stealth: 10
Construction: 10
Technology: 10

I go inside and plan an escape route in case of attack. I also look for something sharp and long.

1,676 posts

Name: Greg Bonaducci
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Traits: Leadership(+Charisma) & Bad Tracker(-Hunting)
Description: Greg is pretty charismatic, but he sucks at hunting animals. He mainly relies on others to find food, and he relies on his charismatic words to convince others to do all of the hunting, and do other productive things for the survivors. Greg is 6'1", somewhat fit, and knows how to party.
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[4/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars, Lead Pipe
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 10
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 6
Charisma: 14
Stealth: 10
Construction: 10
Technology: 10

Health: 100%
Storage[7/20]: Bolts(5), Wrench, First-Aid Kit, Baked beans(2), Bottle of Water(3)
Buildings: Wooden House (small)
Furniture[7/15]: Worn couch, Wooden table (small), Wooden chair(2), Toolbox, Shelf(2)
Residents: Charlie Carswell, Greg Bonaducci

I grab the lead pipe to protect myself, then I leave the house and catch up with Charlie to introduce myself. Then, I wait for his decision on where to go to gather resources and assist him with it.

146 posts

Should I call a limit to player actions without every player being active, or are there any suggestions on this?

I think that each player should only be able to do an action after at least two other players have also done an action. and if someone is inactive(hasn't posted for three days) then they should get kicked from the game. but i'm not part of the game so my imput doesn't really matter.
402 posts

I think that each player should only be able to do an action after at least two other players have also done an action. and if someone is inactive(hasn't posted for three days) then they should get kicked from the game. but i'm not part of the game so my imput doesn't really matter.

Well sure it matters! That's a good idea actually, so really active players don't get too much ahead, but don't have to wait for inactive players either. I like that.
So at the moment we need another post from either draick or Garriss before continuing. Sounds good to me.

You sure you don't want to join? There's only 4 players so far.
146 posts

but i'm not part of the game so my imput doesn't really matter.

nvm i'm joining.

Name: Blazing penguin
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Traits: i'm impulsive and rely on reflexes. can be impatient
Description: spiky red hair. yellowish skin. 6ft tall.
Health: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Status: Fine
Weapon: Fists
Inventory[3/10]: P.I.G, Map, Binoculars
Kills: 0
Rank: Survivor
Running: 10
Swimming: 10
Strength: 10
Accuracy: 10
Hunting: 10
Charisma: 10
Stealth: 10
Construction: 10
Technology: 10

is this game going to be hard?
402 posts

Heh, I know I let in a character that's based on a vampire, but "Blazing Penguin" is a little too much :P Make a realistic name, if you will. Also, it's a little difficult to change your skills based on those traits. Pick something that directly effects them, like the others did. Otherwise, I see no problems with it.

This game shouldn't be too hard, it's rare that you would actually die completely unless you really don't think of your actions at all, then I'll punish you.

Showing 1-15 of 67