I thought this would be fun. In this game you are in a bear's cave. The bear is asleep. You can do almost anything you want in the cave but you can only declare one action per post. For each action a die will be rolled to see whether you woke the bear or not. 6 = epic win, 1 = epic fail and some freak accident occurs, you wake the bear and get eaten which means you can't post until a new page. The greedier, i steal 1000000000 diamonds from the cave, or stupider, i poke the bear with a sharp stick, you get the more likely i am to skip the roll and go straight to the freak accident. There are only two rules, 1. no double posting, and 2. keep the actions around a PG-13 level so a mod doesn't shut this thread down. And the game begins...
ichigo772 you roll 6 you manage to swipe the wallet of some random dude who happened to be richer than bill gates. you are able to buy steel plates and a welder.
holt24 you roll 1 the bear gets tired of you and eats you but lets the Asians go free if you don't understand the message of the universe by now...
Kylelolcat you roll 5 the bear is distracted by the popcorn and you can get back to the deeper part of the cave you were in before the cupcake is still there amazingly
ichigo772 you roll 6 you have successfully created a fort that can hold the bear indefinitely
Kylelolcat you roll 2 the bear smells the cupcake, snatches it from your hand, eats it, and chases you from the cave i don't know really. there's something up with this cave that i'm not even sure what it is. that or i can't remember...
ichigo you roll 6 you buy a new .70 cal hand gun with no recoil and 20 clips you better not try what i think you are going to try...
ibanezplyr03 your roll is skipped what door?
holt24 you roll 2 the bear makes friends with chuck norris, obviously, but still runs you out of the cave dude, your rolls haven't been higher than three since you started trying to speak to the bear, i think its time to give it up
i'm just gonna let this one play out on its own. even if i do the rolls, theres not much i can do. those commands are so simple that i don't even think they deserve to have the bear involved.
anyways, i'm clocking out for the night. i never thought moderating a thread could be so much work. as before you can still keep posting commands but i'll be offline till tomorrow.