ForumsForum GamesPath to Legend: The Stone Giants

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528 posts

The Story continues where it ended, the three heroes who never met each other are still on the quest to find their own identity, to find the answer of all questions. But, a giant threat has hit the world, some unknown so-called Stone Giants terrorize the planet, it is unknown where they came from, but if they do bad things, they need to be stopped!


The Three Great Hopes are:

Ulderico, the Undead Battlemage! <The Word of Darkness>
Level: 4
Experience: 3/4

- - - - - - -

Wingus, the Gnome Wizard! <The Spellcasting Maniac>
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3

- - - - - - -

Viet Ahn, the Human Berserker! <The Pulverizer Strength>
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2


But wait! These three heroes will not be enough to defeat these Storm Giants! The world needs more heroes, just two more, and just two more will be enough, to save the world from the threat!


Okay people, this is it, the Sequel to Path to Legend RPG! As said, two more slots are open for players. If you don't know how to create your character, go to the first page of Path to Legend RPG thread and make one. These Avatars of the heroes are just to show-off their real face. They won't be used in the game. So, everything get ready! We are starting soon after 2 more players join! No more than 2 players, no excuses! Also, the new features will be shown when the game starts!

  • 89 Replies
3,426 posts

Name: Crysis
Age: Unknown
Race: Undead
Class: Wanderer
Level: 1
Damage: 5
Health: 6
Energy: 6
Abilites: (I decide after you choose Class)

528 posts

Bluydee, I remember your head tried to join the first RPG too, why didn't you played it?

5,340 posts

Name: Wingus
Age: 22
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Damage: 6
Health: 3/5
Energy: 6/13
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do DOUBLE DAMAGE)

hi happy to continue not sure if im supposed to wait so ill just continue from last time.

ill just wander

2,752 posts

Name: Ulderico
Age: 22
Race: Undead
Class: Battlemage
Level: 4
Experience: 3/4
Damage: 9
Health: 7/7
Energy: 12/12
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(23 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(18 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)

Again, congrats for the avatars and the sequel in general! I'm just posting my stats once again so that I don't have to go back to the previous thread to copy them again.

1,447 posts

44 posts

Iron - Squire

Name: Viet Anh
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Damage: 9
Health: 3/6
Energy: 2/5
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

528 posts

These are your New Sheets! Use these, forget the ones on the first one.


Name: Crysis
Age: 22 (I made you age, because everyone has age, and so should you)
Race: Undead
Class: Wanderer
Level: 1
Experience: 0/1
Armor: Pants (No effect)
Weapon: Sharpened wooden Stick (+ 1 Damage)
Damage: 5 (+1 from Items)
Health: 6
Energy: 6
Profession: Read below and choose one
--Empower (Empowers all your stats, increasing their effectiveness by 3 for 3 turns)(Costs 1 Energy)


Name: Wingus
Age: 22
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3
Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell)
Weapon: Spellbook (No effect)
Damage: 6
Health: 5/5
Energy: 13/13
Profession: Read below and choose one
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)


Name: Ulderico
Age: 22
Race: Undead
Class: Battlemage
Level: 4
Experience: 3/4
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 9
Health: 7/7
Energy: 12/12 (+1 from Items)
Profession: Read Below and choose one
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(23 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(18 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)


Name: Viet Anh
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Furious Axe (+1 Damage)
Damage: 9 (+1 from Items)
Health: 6/6
Energy: 5/5
Profession: Read below and choose one
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)


PROFESSIONS - Everyone needs one profession to help them advance further into the game. So here they are:

Blacksmith - Allows you to make weapons for you or someone else each time you level up!
Tailoring - Allows you to make armor for you or someone else each time you level up!
Spellcrafting - Allows you to learn 2 spells instead of 1 on each level up!
Curing - Allows you to heal 50% of the damage you took in the whole battle!
Chanting - Allows you to improve an item's bonuses each time you level up!
Fusioning - Fuse two items to create a stronger one.



-Armor/Weapon system, you will find Armory and Weaponry as you wander around the world, you can also make even better armor and weapon with the professions! (Read Above)
-Trading System, some player will make you Armor, you will make him a Weapon, and you can trade the items to help yourselves
-Professions (Read above)
-Mostly of the fights, like 60% of the fights, you will fight against Stone Giants, because the second part of the RPG is about the Stone Giants invading the Planet. Here are some few pictures about the Stone Giants, how big they are, and how they look like![/img [img]

Now we just wait for 1 more player, if he/she doesn't join soon, we will start!

2,752 posts

Name: Ulderico
Age: 22
Race: Undead
Class: Battlemage
Level: 4
Experience: 3/4
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 9
Health: 7/7
Energy: 12/12 (+1 from Items)
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(23 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(18 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)

OK, updated the sheet. Can't wait for +1 to go!

528 posts

If that player won't join in 2 hours, we will start!

5,340 posts

Name: Wingus
Age: 22
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3
Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell)
Weapon: Spellbook (No effect)
Damage: 6
Health: 5/5
Energy: 13/13
Profession: spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)

ok i think my new sheet is done but i have one question though. i got frostbolt from the armor. but last time i leveled up i learned frostbolt2... does that mean that once i will take it off i wont have that magic at all??? because i think its kind of useless to upgrade something that might not even stay forever... or maybe because i leveled it up i already have it and its not about my armor anymore??? or maybe frostbolt2 will just turn into normal frostbolt???

528 posts

ok i think my new sheet is done but i have one question though. i got frostbolt from the armor. but last time i leveled up i learned frostbolt2... does that mean that once i will take it off i wont have that magic at all??? because i think its kind of useless to upgrade something that might not even stay forever... or maybe because i leveled it up i already have it and its not about my armor anymore??? or maybe frostbolt2 will just turn into normal frostbolt???

It will return to Frostbolt 1 (Normal Frostbolt)
1,005 posts

Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 1
Damage: 7
Health: 4
Energy: 6
Abilites: (I decide after you choose Class)

528 posts

Path to Legend: The Stone Giants officially starts NOW!

Update Version: 2.1

-Fusion profession could combine two ITEMS into stronger one, now it can now combine two SPELLS to make one stronger spell!
-You can change your profession anytime!
-Professions that occur when you level up (Blacksmithing, Tailoring, Spellcrafting) will have effect only if the user has that profession for the WHOLE level.


Name: Crysis
Age: 22
Race: Undead
Class: Wanderer
Level: 1
Experience: 0/1
Armor: Pants (No effect)
Weapon: Sharpened wooden Stick (+ 1 Damage)
Damage: 5 (+1 from Items)
Health: 6
Energy: 6
Profession: Add a Profession Please
--Empower (Empowers all your stats, increasing their effectiveness by 3 for 3 turns)(Costs 1 Energy)

You wake up in the forest, you know that you seek something, but what is that something? That would be probably the answer to all questions, that's why you were a Wanderer once, until you lost your memory. It is time to move somewhere, at least move. Where do you head now? Or what do you do?


Name: Ulderico
Age: 22
Race: Undead
Class: Battlemage
Level: 4
Experience: 3/4
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 9
Health: 7/7
Energy: 12/12 (+1 from Items)
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(23 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(18 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)

2 years have passed (from the first RPG) and you have found parts of your identity, but you still don't know fully who you are. You are a loyal person in the City of Dion. Your best friend however, Ponteus, died by unknown reasons in his bed. You can't forget about him. But, that's life... Anyway, there is a Tournament at the city Arena, the winner will be awarded with wonderful rewards, you can either go to the Arena, or you may forget the arena and focus on the main quest, destroying the Stone Giants. What do you do?


Name: Wingus
Age: 22
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
Experience: 2/3
Armor: Mystic Armor (Frostbolt Spell)
Weapon: Spellbook (No effect)
Damage: 6
Health: 5/5
Energy: 13/13
Profession: spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Explosion (Damages all enemies for a damage equal to your Energy Stat)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Life Tap (Converts 1 Energy into 1 Health)
--Firebolt (Damages equal to your Energy Stat, then damages for 3 damage every turn)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Frostbolt 2 (Freezes your target, making your next Firebolt do Double Damage)(From Item)

2 years have passed since the last events (of the first RPG) and now you run through the forest, until you step on a loose land, and you fall into a hole. You can't come out. But there is a tunnel, which is the only way you can go. Then you are shackled by some invisible chains. **** that's so many mysterious traps! You yell "Show yourself!". Then, a young woman comes, what do you do?


Name: Viet Anh
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Berserker
Level: 2
Experience: 1/2
Armor: Barbaric Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Furious Axe (+1 Damage)
Damage: 9 (+1 from Items)
Health: 6/6
Energy: 5/5
Profession: Please choose a profession
--Death Wish (Deals damage equal to 2x your Damage Stat)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Concussive Blow (Stuns your target for 1 turn and deals Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

You scatter around the ruins of the ancient city called Mo'Khar. You are willing to find where the Stone Giants are coming from, you are willing to destroy them, to banish them from this realm. You run with haste, you are so fast that even the wind can't stop you. But then, you see a very very very gigantic large Stone Giant. He is very big, big like a Mountain. He won't even feel your attacks if you try to attack it. He hasn't seen you yet, because you hid behind a ruin. What do you do?


Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 1
Experience: 0/1
Armor: Scout Armor (+1 Health)
Weapon: Wooden Stick (No Effect)
Damage: 7
Health: 4/4
Energy: 6/6
Profession: Please choose a profession
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

So you wake up in the forest, remembering nothing from your past, not even who you are or where you are. You are a born Wanderer, that's the only thing you know, A wanderer who seeks something, something really really important. You were born in the woods, your family abandoned you. Maybe it's time to find an answer to everything, but which answer first? Your identity, or the Stone Giants? Where do you go? Easy? West? South? North? And what do you do?

1,005 posts

Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 1
Experience: 0/1
Armor: Scout Armor (+1 Health)
Weapon: Wooden Stick (No Effect)
Damage: 7
Health: 4/4
Energy: 6/6
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

2,752 posts

Name: Ulderico
Age: 22
Race: Undead
Class: Battlemage
Level: 4
Experience: 3/4
Armor: Egyptian Cloth (No effect)
Weapon: Magi Mace (+1 Energy)
Damage: 9
Health: 7/7
Energy: 12/12 (+1 from Items)
Profession: Spellcrafting
--Lightning Bolt 2 (Deals damage equal to your Energy+Damage+3)(23 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Mind Blast 2 (Damages equal to 1/4 of your Energy and stuns for two turns)(3 Dmg)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Waterwalk (Allows you to walk on water)(Costs 2 Energy)
--Finger of Death (Instantly kill your enemy)(Costs 7 Energy)
--Brutal Blow (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(18 Dmg)(Costs 1 Energy)
--Charge (Deals damage equal to 2x Damage)(Usable only at the beginning of the Battle)

Considering wonderful rewards sound interesting, I decide to sign up for a fight in the arena.

1,005 posts

Name: Artemis Edilsmith
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Wanderer
Level: 1
Experience: 0/1
Armor: Scout Armor (+1 Health)
Weapon: Wooden Stick (No Effect)
Damage: 7
Health: 4/4
Energy: 6/6
Profession: Blacksmithing
--Seesight (Scouts your enemy's weakpoints, making all your attacks do 1.5x more Damage)(Costs 1 Energy)

FAIL!I go east.

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